How do you address ethical dilemmas that may arise in critical care nursing?

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Sample interview questions: How do you address ethical dilemmas that may arise in critical care nursing?

Sample answer:

  1. Recognize and Assess the Dilemma:
  2. Identify the key ethical principles and values in conflict.
  3. Gather relevant information, including patient preferences, family concerns, and clinical data.

  4. Assemble an Ethics Committee or Team:

  5. Consult with colleagues, ethics committees, or clinical ethicists for diverse perspectives.
  6. Ensure representation from various disciplines and viewpoints.

  7. Promote Open and Respectful Communication:

  8. Foster a culture of open communication where ethical concerns can be raised without fear of judgment.
  9. Encourage honest and respectful dialogue among healthcare team members and patients/families.

  10. Educate Yourself and Others:

  11. Stay updated on ethical guidelines, codes of conduct, and legal implications relevant to critical care nursing.
  12. Organize educational sessions or workshops for healthcare professionals to enhance ethical competence.

  13. Apply Ethical Decision-Making Frameworks:

  14. Utilize ethical frameworks, such as Beauchamp and Childress’s four principles (autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, and justice) or Pellegrino and Thomasma’s six pillars (patient welfare, patient autonomy, non-maleficence, veracity, fidelity, and justice), to guide decision-making.

  15. Promote Patient Autonomy and Informed Consent:

  16. Ensure that patients have the necessary infor… Read full answer


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