Sample interview questions: How do you ensure proper hydration for geriatric patients with dysphasia?
Sample answer:
Thicken Fluids: Modify the consistency of fluids to make them easier to swallow and prevent aspiration. Use thickeners approved for dysphagia, such as xanthan gum or cornstarch, to achieve the desired thickness.
Use Adaptive Devices: Employ assistive devices like straw cups or sip-through lids to aid drinking for those with limited lip closure or tongue control.
Monitor Fluid Intake: Accurately track and document fluid intake to ensure adequate hydration. This includes measuring fluids consumed from all sources, including oral intake, intravenous fluids, and tube feeding.
Offer Small, Frequent Sips: Encourage small, frequent sips throughout the day to prevent overwhelming the swallowing mechanism and reduce the risk of choking.
Avoid Potential Dehydration Triggers: Identify and address factors that can contribute to dehydration, such as fever, diarrhea, vomiting, and certain medications causing fluid loss.
Provide Oral Care: Keep the mouth clean and moist to prevent d… Read full answer