How do you adapt your therapy techniques for patients with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)?

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Sample interview questions: How do you adapt your therapy techniques for patients with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)?

Sample answer:

Adaptations for Patients with ADHD in Home Health Physical Therapy

  • Shorten and simplify exercise instructions: Provide concise, step-by-step instructions that can be easily understood and followed. Break down complex exercises into smaller, manageable segments.
  • Use visual cues and props: Utilize charts, diagrams, and videos to reinforce instructions and make them more engaging. Consider using props such as cones and beanbags for activity modifications.
  • Incorporate frequent breaks and movement opportunities: Allow for brief intervals throughout the session to allow patients to reset and release pent-up energy. Encourage movement by integrating activities like jumping jacks or dancing into the routine.
  • Offer sensory stimulation: Provide sensory input through activities such as using textured balls, fidget toys, or weighted vests to promote focus and organization.
  • Establish clear boundaries and routines: Define expectations upfront and establish consistent routines for exercises to help patients structure thei… Read full answer


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