How do you assist patients with neurologic emergencies such as acute spinal cord compression or traumatic brain injuries in a rehabilitation hospital?

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Sample interview questions: How do you assist patients with neurologic emergencies such as acute spinal cord compression or traumatic brain injuries in a rehabilitation hospital?

Sample answer:

Acute Spinal Cord Compression

  • Assess neurological status, focusing on sensory and motor function, bowel and bladder function.
  • Immobilize the spine with a cervical collar or spinal immobilization device.
  • Administer corticosteroids such as dexamethasone to reduce inflammation.
  • Monitor vital signs closely and provide supportive care, including oxygen and fluids.
  • Coordinate with physicians to determine appropriate surgical intervention, if necessary.
  • Implement a comprehensive rehabilitation plan, including early mobilization, physiotherapy, and occupational therapy.

Traumatic Brain Injuries

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