How do you handle patients who are anxious or fearful about orthopedic procedures?

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Sample interview questions: How do you handle patients who are anxious or fearful about orthopedic procedures?

Sample answer:

When dealing with patients who are anxious or fearful about orthopedic procedures, it is important for an orthopedic nurse to approach the situation with empathy, patience, and effective communication. Here are some strategies and techniques that can be utilized to help alleviate anxiety and address the concerns of patients:

  1. Establish trust: Building a rapport with the patient is crucial in gaining their trust. Introduce yourself, explain your role, and assure them that you will be there to support them throughout the entire process.

  2. Active listening: Allow patients to express their fears and concerns openly. Actively listen to their worries and validate their feelings. This shows that you genuinely care and understand their emotions.

  3. Education and information: Provide detailed explanations about the upcoming orthopedic procedure, including what to expect before, during, and after the surgery. Use clear and simple language, visual aids, and written materials to enhance understanding. Address any misconceptions or myths they may have.

  4. Addressing specific fears: Probe further to identify the specific fears of the patient. For example, some patients may be anxious about the anesthesia, pain, or potential complications. Tailor your explanations and reassurances to address these concerns directly.

  5. Encourage questions: Create an open environment where patients feel comfortable asking questions. Be prepared to answer them honestly and patiently, providing reassurance and accurate information.

  6. Introduce the healthcare team: Introduce the patient to other members of the healthcare team involved in their care, such as the surgeon, anesthesiologist, or physical therapist. This helps in familiarizing the patient with the team and instilling confidence in their expertise.

  7. Utilize relaxation techniques: Teach patients relaxation techniques such as deep breathing exercises, visualization, or guided imagery. These techniques can help them manage their anxiety before and during the procedure.

  8. Provide distractions: Offer activities or distractions that can help divert the patient’s attention away from their anxiety. This could include listening to music, watching television, or engaging in calming activities like coloring or puzzles.

  9. Involve family or support persons: Encourage patients to bring a trusted family member or friend to provide emotion… Read full answer


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