What steps do you take to ensure patient safety in an orthopedic unit?

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Sample interview questions: What steps do you take to ensure patient safety in an orthopedic unit?

Sample answer:

  1. Pre-Operative Assessment:
  2. Thoroughly assess the patient’s medical history, current medications, and allergies.
  3. Review the surgical procedure and potential risks.
  4. Educate the patient about fall prevention, pain management, and post-operative exercises.

  5. Safe Patient Handling:

  6. Utilize proper lifting techniques and mechanical devices to prevent injury to both the patient and healthcare providers.
  7. Ensure adequate staffing for patient transfers and repositioning.

  8. Fall Prevention:

  9. Assess the patient’s fall risk using standardized tools.
  10. Implement fall prevention strategies such as non-slip footwear, assistive devices, and frequent toileting rounds.
  11. Encourage family involvement in fall prevention.

  12. Pain Management:

  13. Assess the patient’s pain level regularly and address it promptly.
  14. Administer pain medication as prescribed and monitor for adverse effects.
  15. Provide non-pharmacological pain relief options like ice packs and relaxation techniques.

  16. Infection Prevention:

  17. Maintain a clean and sterile environment in the orthopedic unit.
  18. Adhere to hand hygiene protocols and use personal protective equipment (PPE) appropriately.
  19. Read full answer

    Source: https://hireabo.com/job/2_0_17/Orthopedic%20Nurse

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